Thursday, April 28, 2005


It is fun to see different religion quarrel with each other. It is a matter of ego. Everybody wants to win. Everybody wants each other to know that their religion which they are practising is the CORRECT religion. It gives them an ego boost. They can walk with an air of Arrogence. Something like 'hey i chose and made the correct decisions unlike u losers so live with that'. I have heard catholics saying 'oh the moslems think that that is their holy land when in fact it is ours' and vice versa. Come on gentleman, stop these bickering and make up. There is no god. It is a conspiracy to control us humans. Imagine a world where people finally found out there is no such thing as a god or heaven and hell. It would be rampage. Think. Murderers and rapist would not feel remorsed for their sins. what do they have to lose? At the most they would just die burn to ash. There is no need to pay their dues in hell. Just imagine, in a desperate attepmt to control ur life, the higher powers pass a law stating that committing suicide is a crime and you would be punished by spending eternity in hell. Why do they want to control ur life? Becoz u are a valuable asset to the government. u are used by the government to achieve what they want at the expenses of ur time and interest. The ultimate aim of religion is to control ur mind. Everyone around u is a puppet. Everyone is being controlled. Be it what they eat, drink or way to have sex. Just like an iron fist rule, the best way to control people is through fear. Therefore the ten commandments. My friend, breaking these rules will get u to hell. If u do not pray or believe in god, u are going down baby. Thus, i believe that majority of people who believe in their religion do so not becoz they totally believe in the system but more of becoz they fear the system and do not wish to be punished by this system. Fear rulez my friend. Think. Traffic laws. Do u realli believe that speeding can controlled by people nicely telling u the dangers of speeding? Answer is no my bro. it is controlled by instilling fear in u, charging u in court for speeding, slapping fines and demerit points. Fear my friend, has been the government and religion's greatest tool in controlling mindset. And trust me, it has worked fairly. Try going agaisnt the system, they will BRING YOU DOWN. Fear fear itself.

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