Friday, April 29, 2005


I am a slave to my current job. I feel bored stiff all the time. When there are no customers around, i stare into the computer blindly day dreaming. I think about the future and the amazing world. I am amazing by magnets and the magnetic fields. Juz find them interesting. But my fav fantasy is deja vu. I have experienced it a couple of times since young and i find it intriguing. How was it that i could experience such things occuring exactly just like it was in my so called visions. I had a discussion with my friend before and we came up with crazy theories like certain time zones, dimensions and 3D planes aligning with one other thus u get a vision of the future and experience deja vu. I esp liked The matrix and the whole u take the blue pill u wake up tomorrow and continue ur normal life, but if u take the red pill u fall deeper into the rabbit hole and find things different....remember wat i am offering is just the truth. I like the whole shit of it. Its damn interesting. I think we should spend more efforts into studying philosophy. How we come around and that shit. If i had a choice, i would spend a lifetime trying to understand the Egyptian pyramids, Nazca lines, space, universe. I wonder if we are the only planet in the whole galaxy. I think somewhere in this bubble there lies another planet with creatures pondering the same question. Maybe when we all die, we can see them in heaven.

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