Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It is highly rumoured that the format for this semester's advanced steel exams questions will be changed. Once again, we are the first batch. What can I say? Must be our batch.

The system has morally let me down.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Well If I had it my way, I would give up everything here and spend the remaining of my days in Norway or Denmark.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Not many people will know this, but I actually own a bandanna and used to wear it (only once though). Of course I didn't wear it the way David Gan does, more like a sweatband. It still ranks as my top fashion disaster. Well to be honest, it was inspired from Axl Rose of Guns n Roses. In fact, I also bought a guitar before enlisting for army because I wanted to be like Slash.

Why am I suddenly mentioning this now? Cos I reckon its time to clean out my closet.

Friday, October 24, 2008

If there were no job discrimination, social prejudice and parent's objection, I would have gotten a tattoo on my right shoulder arm and left forearm. Sadly, this will remain a regret till my death.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The grey clouds sums up my mood in school everyday.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fuck me, but just when I am to graduate next year, the economy has to be in sixes and seven.

I seriously think there is a conspiracy against my batch. Someone up there must be thinking, 'look lads, we're gonna fuck this '84 batch up and watch them suffer in their misery'. It has to be the '84 batch. We were the first batch required to sit for the 'what the fuck was that for' SAT test to enter university. Then two years later, they abolished the test, yeah splendid, thanks for sucking my money. Then I had to be in the first armour bronco battalion, which is another story for another day. Then we had to be the first NTU batch to undergo the GPA and SU system and now my faculty has to be the first batch to have individual integrated design assignments. Its amazing to think over 24 years, I've achieved many firsts. About the future, I think I am just living on thin fucking ice.

84 divide by 2 = 42. Must be a conspiracy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It is getting harder to breathe.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just a short while ago, my neighbour was shouting outside his door. Somehow my neighbours locked him out and he was shouting at them presumably to let him in. It was all in Tamil so pardon me. He started to scream and bang the gate. Well at midnight doing that, that was pretty daft. Anyway the police just came and took him away. He even had the balls to tell the police not to interfere in him telling his wife off. Full marks to him. Maybe the next time I see him, assuming I do see him again, I should shake his hand.

I can't believe the Fang tribe chose to vote Jacquie off instead of Kelly. They are so gonna suck even more at the challenges. Crystal, GC and Kelly are the weakest players in survivor. They practically do not even participate at all! Totally zero effort. If I ever had such members in my group, I will kill them. Then again, I did encounter one in my tech comm project. I busted that guy's ass. My current project team has one slacker but since he is entertaining, I shall forgive him.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Its for once saying the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Don't look over your neighbour's fence and say 'oh he has got a better car then me'. We all wake up and say 'oh I ache, I'm not 18 anymore'.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Victim No 2

My mother's new lizard trap is really efficient.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

One week ago, my mom bought this sticky spray which was meant to trap lizards. She sprayed it on a piece of paper and left in the kitchen to catch those little buggers. For the past few days, there were no victims. So last night, she left some food on the paper and ta-da! We claimed our first victim. If you click on the picture, you can see the bugger trying to shed its tail to escape. Not for the faint hearted though.

Friday, October 03, 2008

I'll be making my espzen league debut this saturday. To be more exact, it is a trial match for me actually. I am not really nervous but more scared with the ferocity of tackles after checking with my friends who play in the league. The team belongs to my infamous ex-roomie James. They even have their own website which I felt was pretty cool.

Hopefully there will be positive reviews about me after saturday.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

If I could go back in time, I would choose to go back to Jan 2003.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

While going for lunch today, I took the lift with my neighbour.

I saw his eyes. No doubt about it, he still hates me.