Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The starting lineup for Team Parry. FC Posted by Picasa
New Year mood is runined when you know that you have to switch back to reality world mode in a day's time. But I definitely enjoyed eating and drinking of course, so there are no regrets.

I am so not in the mood to do my maths and physics tutorial, damn it, wish time could stop for a few days.
Life is good Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The first game after so many months but its good to win confortably. New blood managed to gel well in the midfield and prospects for the team look good. I was a bit short of match fitness otherwise a great game for me and my partnership with chin guan. I smell the food now, steamboat reunion dinner coming up. Happy Chinese New Year to ya all.
Shag ah Posted by Picasa
Team photo Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 27, 2006

Swee Steady Pom Pi Pi

The week has been pretty busy for me. Was in the gym and swimming pool daily from monday to wednesday, pumping bench presses and drop sets, pectorals are pretty sore now but the form is definely back to the dayz in CJC during my peak season for shotput.

During my hall chinese new year dinner last night, I was so close to winning the top prize of 168 dollars in the lucky draw, but my ticket number 43 lost out to Toh Chee Wee's 53. Damn, just when I thought I had it in my bag.

After listening to Phil's problem yesterday, I realised how troubled he has been these past few weeks, hopefully he can remain firm and stick to his pride and honour.

But the good news for this week is the passing of my driving test today on my second attempt. Thankfully my tester was rather slack, giving me a short test only, probably in his new year holiday mood.

I can't wait to gobble up my relatives goodies.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I experienced what it was liked to be a garang guni man today when I was assigned to collect newspaper and clothings etc in a bid to raise funds for the hall. It wasn't easy and it was a workout that could easily pass off as gym work.

Fabian Yeo's grandmother passed away recently and it must be tragic for them to experience these situations in a span of less than 3weeks. Hopefully his sister will heed Zhan Rui's advice to continue her studies.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Finally my flu seems to be gone, I am almost back to full health. The past week has been miserable, coughing so badly one might have thought I contracted TB. Drinking cough mixture and popping pills have left me feeling like a junkie. Even tried drinking vodka straight but only left me high instead of soothing my sore throat.

I attended Malay class yesterday and managed to string a few sentances. The tutor is a big fat but rather humourous Malay teacher. He introduced vowels and basic words for food. The Danish babes were very spontaneous no doubt they speak funny. Overall the class is fun but I am not sure if I will be taking it.

I've gotten myself a new phone after my 6510 phone finally had some mechanical fault. Its been a long time, buying the phone on 19 01 03, 5 days before enlisting into the army. Throughout the past three years, its has went through BMT, sispec, soa, 42SAR, numerous outfields and river crossing. When I traded in the phone, part of me was gone too. Life goes on.

Friday, January 13, 2006

I truthfully enjoyed my critical thinking lesson today. The elective is something like the General paper. The tutor will post a question every week and leave us to discuss our thoughts and views about it and critisize each other. The topic for today was 'what is the difference between religion and cults. My group had two free thinkers, a muslim and a roman catholic, so views were very interestingly shared among ourselves.

The story gets more exciting though, it seemed that some classmates were overly ethusiatic, cutting each other off to speak, even cutting the tutor. Then others started bombing each other, some clearly shooting each other 'no u got the facts wrong', 'no the bible was authorised by constantine'. At one point, I could feel the heat and felt like in Tutorial room wrestling federation. World war three could erupt by next week from these guys.

My classmates are weirdos, those isolated from the rest in terms of physical appearances and speech, its kinda hard to explain. But what surprised me the most was seeing Nigel, a high profile dickhead from CJC. He used to stalk hostel girls, asked his female classmates if they were interested in having sex with him. My friend also enlightened me that he was expelled from ACS(I) in secondary one for emailing the school principal porno stuff.

The day only got more exciting with the tutor asking us if gay marriages should be legalised. He told us about his lesbian sisters and how back in his country Netherlands, his hometown church was actually a whore house.

Never mind the bollocks, I had a smashing day looking at all the dickheads talk. Stange world I live in.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The turnout was poor as expected. But it was fun reliving primary school moments and how everyone fared after leaving school separately. Had a cosy lunch at fish and co and a cuppa coffee at some victorian cafe at esplanade. The cafe was 19th century Engish style, therefore the victorian setting. The waitress named Rosemary spoke with a British slang but was very professional. And she was drop dead gorgeous.
Fish and co Posted by Picasa
I am thirsty Posted by Picasa
COFFEE Posted by Picasa
used to be school bus mates Posted by Picasa
can we drink now Posted by Picasa
I used to hate him...... Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 09, 2006

The saturday team is rejuvenated with Timonty finally organising matches. As for the sunday team, this sunday will probably be my last game before I resign and join Helmi's team. On paper the players are quite good, some of whom I have played with and I think they are fantastic, a couple of players having turn out for sleague youth teams.

Tommorow is gonna be my primary school class gathering. I doubt the turnout will be good, probably only Ian, Minhua and Jeliane will turn up. Chongwei has been telling me 'oh don't worry I will call the rest', well I doubt that prick even dialled a single number. As for those who didn't even reply my sms, well fuck you all you fucksos.

My maths tutor speaks like a fag, the kind who is afraid of students gobbling him up. The lecturer doesn't even fare better, he speaks English as if it was Latin. One thing I have noticed about the foreign students, they are getting more havoc, many of them have dyed their hair during the holidays, pierce their ears and dressed a bit more hip hop. Now, some of them look no different from the locals.

Guns and Roses are finally releasing their album Chinese Democracy in march....hopefully. Axl Rose has been promising to release the album but due to drug problems delayed the release back for three years. It better be good.

I am feeling gutted because my hall rugby lost to the finalist in the quarters. Who knows how far we could have progressed if we had better luck in the draw. I am beginning to really luvv Rugby.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Last night was supposed to be a simple drink session to meet up with Jefferson. Upon Junxian's galfriend suggestion to go to one of Tanjong Pagar's gay club plus peer pressure from Phil, I decide to go in for the experience. Boy it will be the first and last time I am ever gonna enter a gay club. Watching men grope each other, smooching and hugging is not a very good scene to be replayed in my memory.

The stout at Brewerkz was worth trying though. A positve note from last night.

Monday, January 02, 2006

2005 ended with an unfortunate incident for me and 2006 hasn't been a great start either. My grandmother had a fell yesterday and she doesn't seem to be in a good condition. She could barely see me today and these few weeks might be critical. I would say the past few weeks have been really emotionally dragging me down, so everyone please do understand if I may not be contactable.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Today I made a 'visit' to see Fabian again. To be reminded of the incident is not something pleasant and I hope to get over it soon. His mother spoke about how proud she was seeing that her son had so many good friends as she recounted her last moment speaking to him and how he was always so busy working that they seldom saw him at home. Apparantly after a week in army, he went straight to work after book out and straight to camp after work. I am glad to see the family looking better now and I wish them all the best.