Monday, July 30, 2007

I hate it when my aunts call my home phone, yes my mother's sisters. They have a habit of calling for less than 7secs then just when I lift my ass off the couch and walk to the phone, they will 'kiap'. Then when I get back to the sofa, they will repeat the process for abt 2times. When I finally answer it, they will ask why no one pick up the phone just now. Give me a break, what in heavens name do u folks expect me to do, sit by the phone 24-7 like a Macdonald receptionist? Good morning Ma'am, no sorry the McSpicy is not ready yet. Can't u fellas ring the phone for just a little while more?

Also, my mom has double standards. When my uncle called just now, she had the usual chat then went on to ask abt my cousin who is playing football for some Australian club. He must be doing farely well cos I overheard my mom ranting 'oh that's wonderful, so capable! waa he made it' and there I am thinking what a load of bullshit. Rewind back 12yrs, my mom was shouting at me every night for playing soccer after school, telling me about how footballers are stupid, have no future, can't make it in life. Yet there she is singing my cousin praises for being a footballer. Well done! Anyway better not say too much, my father has taken to reading blogs recently and by any chance he could be reading this. Hey Pops, dun rat on me to Mommy ok? I've been vacuuming the floor everyday, cheers!

Kopi out

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Tmr will be the official last week of holidays before the semester starts and looking back, I can honestly say I enjoyed my holidays to the fullest. Managed to catch alot of classic movies, did lots of reading which the education system in Spore would never ever teach.

I still haven't gotten my room, from the looks of it I prob won't. I believe it can be attributed to the professor in charge of accommodation or student affairs. He is the grandfather of all son of bitches. I still can't figure out what went into his peanut brain when he made those decisions. Last time I checked, NTU was and is a Singaporean university. Last time I checked my IC, it was pink and had the words Singaporean on it. And yet on my own home soil, it was decided that foreigners should get first priority for hostel rooms because they came from afar, they paid full tuition fees blah blah.....Well fair enuff, but did anyone point a fucking .22 magnum gun at their heads and threaten to throw them to the pigs if they didn't come to NTU? I wouldn't give a two cents fuck if George W Bush wanted to apply for a hostel room in NTU and didn't get it, he can jolly well sleep on my floor. My opinion is clear, yes foreigners deserve to have rooms but definitely not at the expenses of local lads like me who did fork out some contribution, it wasn't as if I didn't earn my keep and lay my ass on bed all day. I believe it echos out for many others who did their part and made hostel life fun for all.

I don't really know the Professor's name but I sure know how he looks. He looks like a chipmunk, his hair looks like a curly mop, in short he looks like a walking dickhead. I sat in one of his physics class before and he cracked a couple of jokes which he thought made him funny, but in all honesty I rather watch Barney the dinosaur crack a joke. He has got alot to answer for the mess he has created. I shall take a dig at him when school reopens. Shall write something unpleasant about him on the forum board and sign off with someones else name, yes I am evilllll... The fucking wanker him.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I had a good laugh reading Lee Sharpe's biography. Esp the parts where he describe the scenes when Ferguson would position his face an inch away from him and swear loads of expletives for the slightest stuff. He called it the grandfather of hair dryer treatment and I must admit, from his point of view, he was abit unlucky to be given that treatment. When he scored a goal and dance around for the celebration, he got a bollocking from Ferguson for being daft and cheeky. When he threw a party 3days before a match, Ferguson stormed into his house, ordered his mates out and swore at him for misleading Ryan Giggs when it was Giggs who initiated the idea. I also couldn't believe it when Ferguson fuck him for learning to play the drums, said that it was unbecoming behaviour. Even the car Sharpey drove earned this disapproval. It is no wonder the grumpy old fella dump Lee Sharpe off later and I seriously think it had nothing to do with his on field performance, rather due to his off field antics. Tough luck bloke.

I have the movie Goodfellas and the book the last don lined up in the next couple of days. The last time I was into this mafia shit was a few years back when I watch the Godfather. It did my head in and honestly made me in awe of the organisation and operation of the mafia.

This is a special shout out to Ben Chen. Oei dun forget u still own me 9bucks for the ticket.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

First of all, thanks to everyone for the birthday greetings. I just came back from Hong Kong, had a smashing time there. Everyday was basically eat eat and shop. Dim Sum, milk tea, Wonton mee, Crabs, Sharks fin, beef noodles and my fav 臭豆腐! I manage to get nike shorts at 12bucks and colombia water bottle at 14bucks, definitely a bargain. There is a shopping centre which sells factory outlet goods so that explains the crazy prices. The streets are damn crowded and walking along just soaks in the atmosphere.

The highlight of the trip has got to be sunday where my family headed to Macau. Did a bit of sightseeing and loved their Portuguese tarts. Next stop was the casino. I tried my hand at playing 大小 but ended up losing. My father however won most of the time and even made quite a bit at the jackpot. As my luck was bad, I resisted the temptation to play blackjack. As Manchester United were in Macau, we purposely went to the casino next to the hotel so after we left the casino we went next door to check it out, by then there were a small crowd of fans waiting for the United stars. My sis and me waited quite a while before Wesley Brown and Michael Carrick arrived. The rest sadly didn't turn up I dun noe why. No rooney or ronaldo, wasted sia. They hurried into the hotel and everyone rushed to the 2nd floor after them. We waited for an hour and the two stars came out again this time obliging everyone by signing autographs. I believe almost everyone got their signatures. I didn't have a pen or marker even though I had a United Jersey on and could have asked them to sign it but decided to snap photos and video of them in person. Below are my pics from my trip and the videos I took of them.

In Macau

Shark's Fin is damn big bowl
Dim Sum!

Michael Carrick

My head is bigger than Wes

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I had the good fortune to find and borrow the German film Sophie Scholl from the esplanade library and highly recommend it to everyone for watching. It is about Sophie and her brother who distribute leaflets condemning the Nazi regime under the Fuhrer. Facing ultimate death for treason and demoralising the German army, the siblings however stood brave and firm expressing their views. In short, they fought for what they believed in and even though staring down death, they fought for that tiny hope that maybe Germans would see the shortfalls and overthrow the Fuhrer. It is a true story in one of the darkest period in Germany's history and I admire Sophie for her tremendous courage.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Fuck China for throwing away a two goal lead
Fuck Korea for losing to Bahrain without a fight
Fuck Argentina for kelong
Fuck Qatar for dunno how the fuck they can lose to UAE, even Vietnam won them
FucK Thailand, wait no fuck Australia for playing in Asia cup even though they from Oceania

I learnt one lesson. Dun bet on Asian and South American tournaments. It is damn kelong. Esp Asians, they have no pride, they will play to lose when money is thrown at them.

I shall officially stop betting on Asia cup. Its a cue to try the S-league and cricket.

This morn when I woke up, I stared at the ceiling for a cool 5min. No I didn't go looney. I stared and wonder how the fuck could China throw away a two goal lead and draw the game, how the fuck could Korean lose to Bahrain and how the fuck could Argentina lose to Brazil 3-0. Within the space of 12hrs, all three losses demoralised me deeply.

Then as I made my morn coffee, a voice deep in the back of my head spoke to me "Winners don't quit, quitters don't win" Yes, just like how Yan Fei make his comeback despite his injured right hand in Shuang Tian Zhi Zhu, I shall make my comeback starting this evening. All hope is not lost yet!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Me Bottom left

I took abit of weed b4 the pic

The bloke in converse shirt stike toto b4
Just back from my pri school class reunion dinner and it was smashing to say the least. One thing for sure, our faces have not changed much. Most of us have been doing decent getting along fine. Some of my frenz have tattoos, found out that a few dropped out of school, some had shotgun marriages, some getting married soon. I also ate dinner with Zheng Geping and his wife Hong Huifang, well not really actually, sat at a table next to them. They are quite big in person, both pretty tall. I took a pic of him on the sly but it is pretty blur. I will post my class photos as soon as I get them from the rest.
Zheng Geping and daughter on the right

One of my best fren in Pri school

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Well here I am, surfing the internet when I should actually still be at Pasir Ris camp for the armour run. But after much contemplating, I decided to to fuck it. Hell I woke up at 6am for work yesterday, I am not gonna waste my weekends waking up at 6am again for a stupid run so far at 8am somemore. It also daunts on me that as a free citizen, no one should control my life. The only 3 things that will make me run are IPPT( money incentives of crse), soccer and when I bloody feel like running. If the army wants me down for a run, I will consider if its held at my house estate.

Work at Daikin warehouse was a bore. Firstly, as a warehouse for Daikin aircon products, it was ironic that the place wasn't air conditioned unlike DHL. Secondly the workers there are a bit daft in their heads. It also interesting to note that workers there like a bit of a laugh and messing around, but somehow their jokes don't register with me. In short, the joke is not funny at all, its wat I call an awkward moment. But if it makes them feel good, I play along sometimes. I guess working in warehouses is not glamorous, but at least it gives me a sweat and reminds me that I must study harder so that I will not be doing blue collar jobs in future.

I've been catching up on reading this holidays and I have taken much interest in reading about wars like Vietnam, Korean, six day Israel-Arab war. It is interesting to know the ideology and mindset of the world yesterday. It has broaden up my horizons on white and black issues, how opposing views lead to conflicts.

This paragraph is for kangli. Hey I heard about it, tsk Rajiv told me everything liao. Eh don't stupid la, u first time want to do 'it' don't plan to wear 'it', siao ah. What happen to all that Aids and safe sex shit u always preach to me about. Safety first k? hahahahah

For people who don't keep up to date with the news, take it from me, do not eat food made in China. The details are gory and sick.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I am so glad Argentina won today. No I didn't bet on them considering I lost 400bucks on them the last time they played against Mexico. I felt happy because Argentina is a nation that plays attacking football which never fails to entertain me. Italy may have won the world cup but they are so technical and defensive, I rather watch Tampines Rovers play. The lads did well today especially Messi, his second goal was a beauty. Javier Mascherano did a marvelous job in midfield, I was observing how he played, bearing in mind that I will most probably be doing that job when I eventually join Melvin's team. I really hope they beat Brazil in the finals.

I manged to borrow the book "The rape of Nanking" at AMK library today. I had previously been warned that it will stir up anti Japanese sentiments. Before hand, I already hated Japan, no thanks to the influence of Bruce Lee movies. He is still my hero. Furthermore they lost me money in the World cup. I plan to read it on my plane trip to Hong Kong next week but after rummaging through a few pages especially seeing the pics, it comes as no surprise why people till now are still disgusted at the Japanese people for the past atrocities. Chinese people being used for bayonet practice drills, prostitution, competition among the Jap soldiers to see who can massacre 100 Chinese first. I believe the same can be said for the Filipinos should they produce any books abt them. Thus I always rejoice when natural disasters strike Japan, hey hows that for karma, let me spell it for ya Jap skanks K-A-R-M-A.

Alright enough said, I dun intend to invite the Internal security act to my doorstep. The sky is grey, the wind is breezy, it is a signal for my afternoon nap.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Early in the morning when I woke up for breakfast before my game, I ran through the newspapers and was glimpsing through the sports pages when I saw a familiar face in the hotbods section. Yes no doubt about it, spot on, it was someone I knew and ranks in my hall of fame for totally hate and don't like them at all. Only three people have entered that hall of hate I should call it. What a way to spoil my morning. I will not go into details. People who know me well enuff will know the full story.

Thankfully, the day got better when I went down to sengkang to play for Melvin's team. They had a blend of youth and old players, something like a Bolton team, may not be the fittest team around but they make it up with experience and good positioning. Communication was great and everyone could pass the ball around. I played at right back for the 1st half and defensive midfield for the 2nd, pretty shacked out. After the game, the captain invited me to join his team. He even told me that I did not have to pay for today's game, I think partially to make me feel guilty and come down for future matches. They play around serangoon which is a plus point, furthermore even arranging transport for me. Somemore it is only my first game for them. Can see that they are really committed and the camaraderie among everyone is great, pretty impressed and I think I will join them next month.

Today is the Wimbledon men's final and my money is already staked on Roger Federer. I hope he wins to make up for my loss yesterday.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Last night I had a drinking session with a couple of frenz at a Thai pub in clarke quay. The live band was quite alright, the thai chicks on stage were definitely an eye candy. Then again they could be trannies for all I know. Tmr will be another boozing nite with my platoon men. Mon will be the start of my detox week, prob start hitting the gym and treadmill.

Later at 7pm today the live earth concert will start. I really wonder if the concert will make any impact at all or will it be just another cash in on the bandwagon fame. To quote someone form yesterday's newspaper forum. "Give up hope because when all hope is lost, then only when action begin."

Friday, July 06, 2007

I was so happy Justin Henin won yesterday, won another 40bucks. So far so good, I haven't lost in tennis betting yet, prob thanks to the fact that tennis as a sport itself has integrity unlike football which is so kelong, sometimes you never know when the favourites can be upset by the underdogs.

I will be going to Hong Kong this month, a last chance to really unwind myself before the next semester starts. According to my seniors, next sem is the hardest sem in my four yr course so I have to brace myself for a lot of sweat and effort.

Yesterday I made a trip down to SGH to donate blood platelets. It is a two hour process in which blood is sucked out from my veins to extract the platelets and then pumped back into my veins. There is a total of six cycles and as much as I pride myself on being brave, seeing my blood sucked out and pumped into the packets next to me did make me feel a bit nauseous. It was an enlightening experience though especially when the nurse thanked me for stepping forward to donate. I took some photos of my blood transfer but would rather not post it. Speaking of which, I got a new phone, Sony Ericsson K618i which my mom gave to me after she sign for the m1 plan. Its a real challenge to adapt to the functions as I have only used Nokia so far.

I finished reading the autobiography of Jonny Wilkinson, for those who don't know who he is, he is the bloke who plays rugby for England and with his last min kick in extra-time, he won them the rugby world cup in 2003. People mainly remember him as a winner but it surprised me when he revealed that in his debut test match for England, he had a lousy game as fly half and England was beaten 76-0, a record trashing. It was a major setback for him which made him cry in the dressing room. But I think it made him mentally tougher after that and also made him strive for perfection in training. He went on to achieve many things later, winning the world cup and sports personality of the year awards. It was an inspiring book for me.

Does anyone have the book written by Salman Rushdie titled "The Satanic Verses", ya I know its banned in Spore but do give me a buzz if positive.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Well so far so good, Mexico did not let me down, made 83 bucks today. Felt tempted to bet on Argentina to win Colombia but the payout is quite pathetic. If my winning streak continues, I won't have to feel guilty splurging cash on the new Manchester United jersey. The new jersey looks much better than the current one. Too bad it did not arrive before the GST hike increase, prob take a few more weeks.

Yesterday I made a decision, yes I think its time to quit wengfai's team. Wasn't exactly happy playing defence together with Han, he forever going up to attack but take his time to come back. I don't agree on the way the ball is passed around. I personally prefer to keep possession, passing the ball to the midfielders from defence, but when the midfielders are caught in possession by the opponents, they will say don't play around in our own half. Pumping the ball up aimlessly is not ideal to me, its a 50-50 chance of losing precious possession. Over the months, I still feel that my style cannot connect with the team. Maybe its best to leave for greener pastures. After all Timonty's team isn't too bad either, they play near my house and in the noon unlike 9am matches.

Anyway my dad came back from the Malaysia holiday with a cough after eating all the seafood and karaoke singing. My mom insisted on giving him the drink with leaves plucked from my neighbour's plants, yes the bitter one. I could see that he was forcing it down his throat reluctantly, haha.

In celebration of TCS 25yrs of broadcasting channel 8 dramas, they have recently re-run many old dramas which was filmed in the late 80s and early 90s. I found it hilarious when I saw the actors and actresses who are acting as uncles and ah sohs now used to be the ah gers and ah jies back then. Some of them look so plump now but when they were young, they were quite slim and toned. Mons and tues 130am and sat 230pm programmes are my favourite.