Tuesday, May 03, 2005


If there is anything people should fear most, it is not terrorism or nuclear threats but Aunties. Taking bus to work every morning is like a battleground at the bus stop. When the bus arrives, u position urself at a spot where u believe the bus will most likely stop at. Yet within a few feet b4 the bus arrives, SOME AUNTIES who while waiting at the bus stop may look feeble, suddenly shoulder charges you as if they are ready for a rugby scrum. When the door opens, boy these 'gladiators' my friend are as fast as Maurice Greene off the 100m block. But the battle doesn't stop, on the bus, every seat is worth Gold coz they will not hesitate to push and shove to get that seat. Once seaten, the 'High Feeling' is equivalent to us reaching the finishing 2.4km run line. Gentlemen, these Aunties should be top of the next G-7 discussion agenda list.

1 comment:

tong said...