Monday, May 02, 2005

Old Folks

Met up with my pals Zhanwei and Nigel whom were from my sec 1 n 2 class. Its been like 7yrs but they havent changed a bit. Zhanwei is still the vulgar sprewing person he is, nigel is still a clown. Suddenly i want to meet up with my secondary school classmates. Been trying to get my pri skool frenz but some of them are now in brunei's jungle village as i am writing this. Haha. I thiink its hard to meet up but guess now is the best time to do so b4 uni starts. I hope my uni frenz will be as fun as my army frenz except for that poser talk nothing but trash think he damn cool speaking with slang ZxxU ZxxCxxxxG...hhmmm no prizes for guessing who.

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