Saturday, June 18, 2005

I admit that in today's 3-2 win over Jing Hao's team, i was the culprit in conceding two goals. I should have cleared the ball which resulted in the first goal and should have pushed up for the offside which led to the second goal. But i felt that i redeemed myself in the 2nd half with a more confident performance. At night, Aru came to my house to watch rugby. Bryan couldn't make it due to work commitments. We watched snatch and had a good laugh. It was a change from watching the usual american movies to a british movie where the slang was very funny esp when they scolded vulgarities, a sharp contrast to singaporeans scolding hokkien words. It would be nice if i could influnce british people to add more variety to their language. We could hear epl soccer players scolding nxbxi cxxxbxx at referees.

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