Sunday, June 26, 2005

I woke up prematurely today becoz my mom was talking rather loudly in the morning. I could still feel the beer in my tummy and was relunctant to get out of bed. Eventually ate my breakfast and made my way to the soccer game. The opponents were all rather muscular and dark which Joseph joked that they were construction workers. As the game proceeded, it was quite clear that our opponents were suckers at soccer. They were notplaying soccer, i would say they were more focused on playing rough and shouting hokkien vulgarities at us and the referee. The game was paused several times because of bad tackles or silly fouls. They started making sarcastic comments and finally a spark ignited the whole royal rumble. They were so serious on fighting that i felt they should just join wwf. One of them even wanted to fight with Ben Chen cos he made a remark that pissed the ah bengs off. Well Ben if you read this, damn they should have punched you...laughs. But when i see the Ah bengs now in their mid to late twenties, i can't help but feel that my men will eventually turn out like that. To quote Helmi, they are losers who probably are failures in life and take every sunday game as an opportunity to hit at white collar people. And I got to agree with what Raymond said 'everytime our defence wins the offside, its like strikers scoring a goal.'

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