Sunday, June 12, 2005

This is becoming a routine every sunday. I played lousy in defence everyday. Injured my knee when i tried to dribble too much and collided with the opponent. Went home to ice it as i lay on my bed. Doze off to onlt wake up when the ice spilled on my bedsheets. Went for driving after that, learning to up a slope. Did ok on my first try. I am getting more confident with the clutch and changing of gear now, even tried to speed till 60 only for my instructor to brake and slow it down to 50. Told him 'open road mah' for him to reply 'beginner better learn properly, wait end up like the drivers on the road'. Can't argue with him, its true, sporeans are ugly drivers, refusing to let u change lanei, upon seeing the turn right signal, they speed up. The week ahead looks bright, hopefully i can catch a movie.

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