Thursday, June 30, 2005

Was supposed to wake up at 235am to watch the Brazil vs Argentina game but ended up oversleeping and dreaming about being in a jungle(with 42 again, damn keep getting these dreams). I even remember Melvin yelling 'Parry, faster get out of the toilet, got 2 other groups finding checkpoint 3'. I swear that I even dreamt waking up listening to the radio report the score Brazil winners 4-1. Strange enuff, my dad came into my room after I woke up and say 'waa Brazil trounce Argentina 4-1'. Well I wasn't surprised, not the first time I have these sort of deja vu experience. Just wished that I could dream of 4-D numbers.
Celebrated my mom's birthday at hotel intercontinental, Mediterranean style buffet. Food was great, but my sister made the atmosphere sour when she announced that she was quitting her job as an accountant to go France for 2months to learn French. OF course my mom retorted ' why can't you get it here?' Well I don't really care, if my sister wants to pursue her dreams, let it be. After all, with her out of the house, it will be so much peaceful.
Read Urban newspaper, saw Heineken Keg. Damn, should get it and put it n my hostel room. Otherwise I have to get my whiskey flask soon.

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