Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Well all is not lost yet. I may sound like I am about to commit suicide yesterday but hey, there is still the hope of watching Manchester United win the treble, England to win the world cup and Guns n Roses to re-unite. I need a new direction. Watching the repeat of England play Japan in 1995 has inspired me. Paul Gascoigne or Gazza as he is better known, played with such flair and poise. As we all know, he is an alcoholic, who invented the dentist chair. You sit on a chair laid back as if a dentist is inspecting your teeth. Friends will then pour bottles of alcohol on you. Maybe drinking more alcohol will boost my skills. I played well on Sunday, maybe it can be attributed to my sat night paulenar's outing. He is my new hero. He shall be my new alter ego. I shall dedicate the month of July to running, swimming and possibly learn tennis to get in shape before uni starts. I finally figured that the only way to feel that your body and soul are alive is to jet ski. Jumping out from a plane at high altitudes is a sure way to wake your soul up. The fear and adrenaline rush makes you know that you are still alive. Anyway, found out that Fong is doing reservist already cos dunno which batt was short of technicians. Poor thing.

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