Thursday, August 25, 2005

What a day what a day, totally ruined by morons.Today during my effective communication lesson, we were supposed to print out a copy of our letter to summit to our tutor. However we were unable to do so due to insufficient printing paper. Nonsense the tutor said, I placed adequate printing paper. We went up to the printer to take a look. Peiling, our beautiful friend from great province of china quickly ran up to collect the printed paper carefully turning it the other way to prevent us from seeing what was printed. Our tutor took the next copy and to our horror, she had used the papers to print her own chemistry notes. Good gracious almighty jesus christ, well done my friend, saying sorry won't retrieve back the spilled milk.
Scenario number 2, after my last lesson, I went to take part in our inter block road relay 600m. Alvin being the first runner came in a close second with another block runner, with a lead of at least 1min. Yanying, should have at least maintained the lead, by the way you are a hot chick Yanying. Our third runner, I presume from vietnam, was second in his leg. With a mere 50m away from passing the leg to me, he decided that the air was very fresh and decided to stop and take a nice stroll up the slope to capture the beautiful aromatic fresh scenery. Kodak moment. RUN UP the last 50m la you bloody CxxxBxx. Although I am not a very fast runner, I ensured that we did not finish lower than second. Goddam it, the last time my muscles and lungs felt that way was way back when I passed my soc with a time of 9 07. Where's my cigg dude, show me the cigg.

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