Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Go checkout www.punchaceleb.com It is a lame website but after being so stressed about the exams, the whole thing became a good way of venting some frustration. My favourite was simon cowell and of course wacko jacko.

My father is worried for me because he caught me adding vodka to marigold peel fresh orange juice and aloe vera apple juice. But anyway the taste isn't so bad. I am getting more paranoid as the dayz go by. I even dreamt of my sunday soccer team last night. Can't wait for the exams to be over. When it is over, I shall visit clarke quay every week, watch movies,borrow LOST and take my time viewing it. Shall finish up reading a couple of books. One point to note, I shall stop reading Paulo Coelho books. I used to like the stories because they were philosophical and enlightening, but I figured that part of my depressional mental state is attributed to the stories having mostly sad endings.

Wish me luck for the exams. When it is over, I promise I shall regroup the Attar Prata, Brewertz annd chomp chomp gang.

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