Saturday, November 19, 2005

Thanks Keano for the meomries. I shall always remember you for that header against juventus and the taunt at viera. Through good and bad times, you have shown what a great leader is all about and embodied a fighting spirit each time you put on that red and white jersey. So it seems Manchester Untied have opted to rebuild a new squad. Good luck to them. Just remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.

So for the past three nights, I sort of joined the ranks of a counch potato, watching tv all night long, drinking heineken. Speaking of which, there is no more beer in my house thanks to me. Hope my dad doesn't get too mad. But hey not to worry, my sister is coming back from france with instructions to get more beer from dfs.

I seem to be able to jog longer nowadays. Could it be due to beer? Or is this all but just a dream.

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