Saturday, December 31, 2005

My neck hurts, shoulder hurts and thighs defintely aching. All these as a result of yesterday's inter hall rugby. Amazingly, my hall created another history by entering the quarters for the first time.

But it wasn't really a smooth one though. The night before Andy was feeling pissed off that we didn't have any structured training and was certain that we were gonna lose. However with Clemence showing such gusto and tenacity, we were all psyched up for the win against hall four. Well, the night before we had a bet that whoever scored the first try would get a free lunch from Colin, so it could explain why Clemece was so 'hungry'. The next match against hall two was tough and many admitted afterwards that they were intimidated by them. It was an evenly contested match, eventually Adam proving to be the deciding factor with his winning touch. I love his inspiring pre-match speech too. There were ugly scenes with the opponents throwing punches at Colin resulting in him having a nosebleed. From then all every ruck was like wrestling.

I didn't actually get to touch the ball , but I was involved in every tackle and every maul and scrum. Tackling is fun, locking your eyes on the fucker charging to you and bang bring that son of a bitch crashing down. But take it from me, being piled on is not fun, smelling everybody's sweat. In fact, no one manage to get pass me. But the price to pay is a bleeding ear and injured cheekbone.

Till then, Happy New Year.

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