Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Finally my flu seems to be gone, I am almost back to full health. The past week has been miserable, coughing so badly one might have thought I contracted TB. Drinking cough mixture and popping pills have left me feeling like a junkie. Even tried drinking vodka straight but only left me high instead of soothing my sore throat.

I attended Malay class yesterday and managed to string a few sentances. The tutor is a big fat but rather humourous Malay teacher. He introduced vowels and basic words for food. The Danish babes were very spontaneous no doubt they speak funny. Overall the class is fun but I am not sure if I will be taking it.

I've gotten myself a new phone after my 6510 phone finally had some mechanical fault. Its been a long time, buying the phone on 19 01 03, 5 days before enlisting into the army. Throughout the past three years, its has went through BMT, sispec, soa, 42SAR, numerous outfields and river crossing. When I traded in the phone, part of me was gone too. Life goes on.

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