Monday, January 09, 2006

The saturday team is rejuvenated with Timonty finally organising matches. As for the sunday team, this sunday will probably be my last game before I resign and join Helmi's team. On paper the players are quite good, some of whom I have played with and I think they are fantastic, a couple of players having turn out for sleague youth teams.

Tommorow is gonna be my primary school class gathering. I doubt the turnout will be good, probably only Ian, Minhua and Jeliane will turn up. Chongwei has been telling me 'oh don't worry I will call the rest', well I doubt that prick even dialled a single number. As for those who didn't even reply my sms, well fuck you all you fucksos.

My maths tutor speaks like a fag, the kind who is afraid of students gobbling him up. The lecturer doesn't even fare better, he speaks English as if it was Latin. One thing I have noticed about the foreign students, they are getting more havoc, many of them have dyed their hair during the holidays, pierce their ears and dressed a bit more hip hop. Now, some of them look no different from the locals.

Guns and Roses are finally releasing their album Chinese Democracy in march....hopefully. Axl Rose has been promising to release the album but due to drug problems delayed the release back for three years. It better be good.

I am feeling gutted because my hall rugby lost to the finalist in the quarters. Who knows how far we could have progressed if we had better luck in the draw. I am beginning to really luvv Rugby.

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