Sunday, February 26, 2006

Yesterday marked the first time in 10years that I stepped into a church. Of course it was for a wedding purpose.I almost overslept in the morning, guess I shouldn't have drunk the beer my sister bought for me the night before. After the tea ceremony, I even managed to squeeze in time for the 'revenge game' against Helmi. This time around we lost 2-1. I supposed the diffence was the inclusion of Terence who played superbly in midfield. Their passing were much better and they seem more confident than us on holding to the ball and giving each other angles, something we need to learn more.

Afterwhich I went home and took a nap before heading down to Swiss hotel for the dinner. Food was fantastic no doubt about it. I met my cousin's cousins who were my childhood playmates. They are now in their late 20s closing 30. Age is finally catching up. Seeing my nieces hopping up and down made me feel old, damn something not really good to know. But the shite feeling was made worst when I couldn't join my cousins to go MOS as I needed to prep for my physics quiz on tues.

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