Friday, March 03, 2006

The thought of Helmi planning to register the team for NFL division 4 next year excites me. I respect the work he has been doing for the team. Making calls, arranging matches, washing jerseys for everyone and bringing them for the next game proves how much passion he has for the game, mind him he doesn't draw a salary like a professional player. I would like to pay tribute to him, for keeping faith with me even though my first few games for Chong's team didn't go really well. I was a fringe player who only knew how to pump balls. Along the way, Raymond and Joseph taught me much to make me a better player. Thanks dudes. And of course Helmi and Shyam for encouraging me even after a poor match. Thanks guys, without ya all I wouldn't be at this level. I would definitely support Helmi for the NFL division.

I decided to give the team a name, Team Cantona United FC.

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