Friday, March 17, 2006

The week in hall is probably best marked on tuesday following the biggest argument between gazzali and Bruno. The plot was simple with Bruno falsely accusing gazzali of being the culprit shitting in the shower. This led to heavy weight champion Mohamad Gazzali shoving a tight slap on Bruno's face and saying the famous lines "You know my uncle who anot, he Minister of Environment, I will sue you for defamation". I must say the whole scene was fucking hilarious. Gazzali became a famous household celebrity overnight in hall.

The next day during appreciation night, Bruno was teased continously 'hey Bruno put shit in the time capsule lei'. Its amazing how one incident can change a person's life totally.

So apparantly somebody in my hall created a blog to bitch about her roomie. Hhmm it seems that many bitching and backstabbing have been goign around, gotta watch my back from now on.

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