Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Today was my first and also last day at work. I felt that working in the travel agency was not my cup of tea especially when a slight mistake could cost a few hundreds of dollars. There were many things to remember and worst of all, customers were forever flowing in to book packages to Malaysia. I had to control my laughter whenever suspicous looking 'Ah Peks' came in to enquire on trips to batam.

The Indonesian singer from channel u superstar also booked a ticket to somewhere and my PRC colleague was so excited about it. She was so enthusiastic about her work and when she tried to teach me new stuff to learn, it broke my heart to tell her that I was quitting today and there was no need to teach me. I must say that the staff there are very friendly and therefore my decision to quit was based on being zhi dong and not wanting to waste their time by bothering them and asking questions.

Despite their persistence that I will get the hang of it soon and giving it another few days of try, my heart tells me I am just not cut out for the travel industry.

But looking on the bright side, they still offered to pay me my day's work of 48 bucks so hey, at least it entitles me to a king bistro burger and two jugs of Irish red ale beer at brewerkz.

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