Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Today marks the end of my contact lens solution job. Finally no need to put on a smile and talk politely to people, so not me. After three days, I sold only three bottles. In total we sold 17 bottles, Christina and Siting sold a couple while the watson auntie sold a few. The target is 300 by the end of the week. Good luck folks.

Just when I thought today being my last day could end peacefully, there was a cock up at closing time when Jolene counted stock and said, 'folks we are short of two'. After toking cock here and there, it was a bit obvious that Jolene was trying to push the blame to Christina. Then again when I asked Christina whether she had count the stock physically in the morning, she said 'aiya the stock sure there mah, won't disappear rite? '. And there was when I smack my hand on my forehead. Can't blame la huh women, never do NS. Unlike me, vehicle commander in 42 SAR, learnt a few valuable lessons, number one rule "Never assume" , number two "Don't trust anyone". etc....

In the end it turned out that the so called two missing ones were actually sold to customers and that Jolene did not record it down.

" And I think to myself, what a wonderful world...."

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