Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My ankle is finally feeling the pain after playing two games in three days. I know one day when I grow old I will sort of regret what I am doing now.

Anyway I spent the whole of yesterday studying in my room. My dad tried to tempt me back home by offering to give me a treat. I guess he was probably feeling lonely since my Mom is in Beijing on holiday and my sis working in Hong Kong. I told him cheekily to go to KTV. Haha

Two night ago some idiot spoilt my day. I hate to be a bad guy but sometimes being nice doesn't pay off. I was studying in the study room when I received a call from some stranger I presume from India.

Kei Leng: Hello can I speak to *%^$£"

Me: I think you call wrong number

Kei Leng: Hello I am looking for %£%$£"

Me: I think you call wrong number

Kei Leng: Hello I am looking for &*"^%£

Me: Eh fuck head, how many fucking times u want me to say u called the wrong
fucking number.

Kei Leng: Oh sorry......Hung up

It sort of brought me back memories of the putfile incident involving the chinese fella scolding some Indian fella. But anyway its seems that certain people don't get the message until the magic words pop out. Since I am writing about Indians, I might as well comment on the Indian scholars living in the corridor next to the toilet on my floor. Basically they stink so much I can smell them from 20m away. I wish I can banish all of them to another hall.

No offence to the Singaporean Indians, ya folks are fine, juz got problem with your native Indians.

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