Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Today at tea-break, Kangli went to be a hero and ordered noodles from the vietnamese stall and he was whining when he found out that the aunty put ketchup in his soup. Seriously, who in the right frame of mind puts ketchup in soup? I really feel that the vietnamese pricks have a break down in their logical thinking. Last time I told them not to put chong they defied me and say must must, good! I can't wait for them to close down.

Afterwhich I went to play soccer and I am now regretting that decision for I made my hamstring injury worst. Thinking back, my mother was right when she discouraged me from playing soccer in primary school. To her soccer is a game where boys run around aimlessly, get themselves injured and dirty. But deep down, I knew she didn't like the idea of me mixing with Malays. My mother and relatives have this assumption that soccer=Malay=Never study=EM3.
To a certain extent, she was right about that. As they say, Mommy knows best. As for now, I am in pain right now, wish I could have a beer and numb the pain.

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