Friday, March 23, 2007

Today is the official last day of playing poker in hall for this sem. Bo bian, exams coming muz study. Overall I think i might have won a few bucks. I was so happy last night as I finally got my first straight flush of my poker career. My roomie Yip Kangli aka Monkey probably lost 40 over bucks. Sorry man for dragging u to play with us but hey juz remember, Winners don't quit, quitters don't win. Even Yan Fei lost before until he strip naked, haha.

Went to catch the movie 300 today and it was pretty alright, admire the guts these people have in the face of adversity.

Recently my morale is a bit down. I was chatting with Magdalene last night and she thought I was in year 3. A few weeks back, someone also thought I was in year 3. Another person last year thought I was in year 4. Damn it, I can't be looking that old right? I asked my good friend from Army to tell me the truth and he said I look a bit old too. Shit! Let me officially declare it, I am a YEAR 2 student, still young and sweet.

Next week is gonna be a mugging week to prepare for the quiz, I hope I can pull throught. Tech comm presentation is also next monday, I really pray that Mr A as Kangli calls him don't fuck up his part or I might bring him to the crocodile farm near my house and throw him in.

Till then Kopi Siew Dai out.

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