Sunday, April 01, 2007

I was having a peaceful sleep, well not exactly peaceful because I dreamt that I was at the airport about to leave for Brunei for my reservist. But anyway my sister called me at 11 45am, I couldn't make out what she was saying because I was still in lala land so she said "u still sleeping ah? Nvm I tok to Dad. " It turns out that there will be a Francis Yip concert in Hong Kong later this month and she asked my Dad if he wanted tickets. At lunch my father told my mother about it and they both agreed to go. My mom asked for the ticket price and my dad said 450 singapore dollars each. My goodness, I cannot believe that my father would actually request to buy the most expensive ticket. $450 I would rather wait for the Dvd to come out, spend the remaining money on shark's fin, abalone and even wage it on Toto.

Over the weekend, I only did one tutorial. I am still trying to motivate myself for the exams but can't seem to find the motivation to do so. I need coffee!


Anonymous said...

it is hkd400 which is sgd80 lah

LIM KOPI said...
