Saturday, April 14, 2007

While taking a break in between studying, I went to youtube to search for the videoclips of the recent Asean federation cup semi-final match between Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore drew that match and later went on to win on penalties. On closer look and replay, I noticed a few keilong moments. When Shi Jiayi took his kick, the ball went directly to the Malaysian keeper but somehow the keeper punched the ball backwards into the net. Afterwhich he sat down and smiled. When Jiayi jogged back, Alam Shah was pointing his finger at him as if to say "lucky the keeper help you punch the ball in otherwise today we cannnot get our money". It is simple mechanics, when the ball strikes towards your hand, the ball will rebound back, but in this case the ball went backwards in the net. There was also an instance when Alam Shah high fived with the Malaysian keeper. I couldn't believe that it was so friendly considering the rivalry we have.

Finally, when Malaysia took the last penalty, the kicker took a tame shot and Lionel Lewis saved the kick which enabled Singapore to win. The Malaysian captain put his arms around the player who missed the last kick and was smiling away. I can't see how a team captain can smile after a loss unless he has money in the pocket given by someone to throw the game. U gotta watch it to believe it.

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