Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Well so far so good, Mexico did not let me down, made 83 bucks today. Felt tempted to bet on Argentina to win Colombia but the payout is quite pathetic. If my winning streak continues, I won't have to feel guilty splurging cash on the new Manchester United jersey. The new jersey looks much better than the current one. Too bad it did not arrive before the GST hike increase, prob take a few more weeks.

Yesterday I made a decision, yes I think its time to quit wengfai's team. Wasn't exactly happy playing defence together with Han, he forever going up to attack but take his time to come back. I don't agree on the way the ball is passed around. I personally prefer to keep possession, passing the ball to the midfielders from defence, but when the midfielders are caught in possession by the opponents, they will say don't play around in our own half. Pumping the ball up aimlessly is not ideal to me, its a 50-50 chance of losing precious possession. Over the months, I still feel that my style cannot connect with the team. Maybe its best to leave for greener pastures. After all Timonty's team isn't too bad either, they play near my house and in the noon unlike 9am matches.

Anyway my dad came back from the Malaysia holiday with a cough after eating all the seafood and karaoke singing. My mom insisted on giving him the drink with leaves plucked from my neighbour's plants, yes the bitter one. I could see that he was forcing it down his throat reluctantly, haha.

In celebration of TCS 25yrs of broadcasting channel 8 dramas, they have recently re-run many old dramas which was filmed in the late 80s and early 90s. I found it hilarious when I saw the actors and actresses who are acting as uncles and ah sohs now used to be the ah gers and ah jies back then. Some of them look so plump now but when they were young, they were quite slim and toned. Mons and tues 130am and sat 230pm programmes are my favourite.

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