Saturday, August 25, 2007

I finally just completed my first tutorial of the semester. The rest has been like half done because honestly the calculations are quite complex. Well at least its a good start and tmr I shall continue the form going.

On thurs, there was a small commotion on the top floor. Someone apparently attempted suicide and though I saw someone who I think might be the person, I rather not jump to conclusions lest pple quote me. To whom it may concern, hey chill dude, its only the 3rd week, dunno how to do tutorial doesn't spell the end of the world. I believe almost everyone hasn't gotten themselves into the groove yet too. I just did my first tutorial an hour ago only.

The weather has been on off the past couple of days and as a result I am having a minor flu now. Hopefully it doesn't get worst tmr though chances it might.

For people who are intending to buy new soccer boots, read carefully. Do not buy puma king boots. I barely wore mine for 3 games and already the sole is starting to split. My heart sank when I saw it. Why is it that honest people like me keep getting cheated. Tsk tsk....

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