Saturday, October 20, 2007

I took a long jog around my estate an hour ago. I usually take such jogs when I have deep thoughts to sort out. As I was jogging, I thought to myself, should I allow passion and love for the game rule over my head? I continued jogging until the devil suddenly spoke to me. "No Parry, remember how they treated u last yr? Remember the sms? Remember how insulting it was? Remember the two weeks of cold lonely nights? Remember the two weeks when u were shivering in the wilderness needing warmth and water? Remember how they could have helped u yet chose to help others? Remember how they didn't' even bat an eyelid at ya? Remember how they forsake u in times of adversity? Remember???

For once, I choose to believe in the devil. Anyway I must thank Kangli for telling me everything, for without his information I wouldn't have known certain things that I should know but didn't know. : )

I may have forgotten the good times but definitely not the bad times. The six months wait will be long but when the time is ripe, I will drill the final nail into the coffin.

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