Friday, October 19, 2007

I woke up today to a rude awakening of an sms. My school committee president is not too pleased with the sports subcom members for not wanting to turn up for tonight's bonding session at yunnan garden w/o a valid reason. He has thus sort of enforced us to go. Give me a break, its a fri night and just becoz most of the other committees are PRCS and Malaysians doesn't mean I shd stay back together with them. To hell with authority, anyway I told my boss if he were to threaten me some more I will call the police. Hehe.

I feel so guilty yesterday. I came back from school, slept for awhile, went down to conduct rugby training, came back played Sepak Takraw, bathe, texas poker, Football Manager. Shite, I did not touch a single piece of work. Thankfully this week has been kind to me, next week however will be the return of the quiz week.

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