Saturday, December 08, 2007

Finally I am back in my sweet home after spending the last three days in src field soaking in rain fulfilling my linesman duties. It isn't a glamorous job considering that soccer players are constantly screaming foul language at us. Then again it is a middle class sport.

Now I will be pissing myself to say that I am happy with the way my sports sec has been running things. In short, she has fucked everything up big time. On thurs, I was called down last min to play soccer for the school becoz the Malays dudes were not able to make it. Although the squad was assembled last min and hardly anyone knew each other, we stroked the ball around as if we had known each other for years. We played as a unit together and convincingly won our match against sce. I enjoyed the match and really fancied our chances of beating EEE to advance to the semis. But when I did not received any call to attend the match yesterday, deep down I knew she muz have gotten the malays to replace us. True enuff, the malays came and started in place of the majority. They displayed fancy footwork but lacked any spirit and structure. Not surprising, they got trashed 4-1 by EEE with a hat-trick scored by my roomie. I'm glad for Jame but to be honest, they were really easy goals. I reckon things would have been different had the original squad played. I'm not having sour grapes at not being able to play yesterday but frankly speaking its no way to treat the players who had won the game earlier only to be left out like that. The lads yesterday had no fighting spirit and one malay fella started a fight when he could not take the defeat. Cheers! CEE did not lose the soccer game yesterday, Letitia Poh 17th CEE Sports sec lost it for us. I can't believe a twat like her could be the one making decisions for the soccer team.

Anyway, I will be having a good rest for the next two days, loads more shit to come next week.

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