Monday, December 17, 2007

Hooray! I'm simply over the moon. 1-0 to the champions. Nothing beats putting one over Liverpool. That should shut them up for now at least. For all the taunts and trash talking they still cannot beat us. It wasn't pretty football by Man Utd but Hargreaves and the defence were just way rock solid. Well done lads!

My back pain is back. I think it came from last Saturday's match. I was given a footballing lesson by hall 6. Made a few errors which should not have happened from experience. But overall I put in a decent performance and I am proud of my display against a stronger side. There'll be another chance to make it to the quarters, hopefully my back pain will subside by then. I guess even my back is calling for me to downgrade too.

Anyway I found out from my fren that there is an interhall Olympiad website and discovered a few of my pics. Cheers to myself. After all I'm a star mah. Hopefully by the end of it, I will have a pic of myself with a medal hanging down my neck.

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