Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I am so dead beat. Last night I had to work ot until 22 30 all because I had to visit the moron who wanted to sue me. He probably realised his mistake and was at least gracious enough to apologise to me for his outburst. I also had to wake up early this morning and reached Peicai Secondary school by 630 to do site monitoring. Thankfully the school operation manager was nice to buy all of us coffee after that, perhaps to 'speed things up' ? Hahaha. He shared with us his experience of being the school's OM and how he was once a major in the navy, how he used to sleep in the same cabin as now minister Teo Chee Hean, remarking how fast and high Mr Teo has risen up to while he is still stuck as an OM. I also learnt alot of dirty office politics from my team members in the car today while we were driving from site to site. At least now I know who the taichi masters and sweet talkers are.

I should be resting now but instead, in two hours time, I shall be meeting my buddy for our weekly booze session at our nearby coffee shop. I am slowly but surely embracing the kopitiam drinking culture together with the ah peks.

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