Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Just came back from Huiwen's wedding dinner. The dinner was good, Tong Luk restaurant. But the location quite off. When I first reached Paramount hotel, I thought I was in the wrong place because the whole ground floor was filled with Thai and Vietnamese 'business women'. Everywhere all KTV bars except for the tiny little restaurant at the corner. Dunno why they chose there, to get to the restaurant muz have will power not to enter the bars. Haha. My table swee la, all young ladies except for me and my fren. But sweet as they look, they were animals when the food came. Within one min the food all kanna 杀. I will cherish the wedding table pic. : )

Today my boss got a long service award. He treat everyone to tau sar pia. Shiok. But the jovial mood kanna spoil by one complain from some idiot. He claims that public cars always park in front of his house, want me to paint white line on the centre road. I told him the procedure will take one month, he not happy, say he is a surgeon, need to operate on people to save lives and threaten to sue me if patient die because of me not implementing the white line and blah blah blah. He accused me of not taking action despite me speaking in proper precise English that I WILL implement it just that it will take time. However he kept emphasizing that I am being irresponsible, want me to write statement that I will personally claim responsibility for his patients lives if he is unable to rush down because car block his driveway and so on. Keep giving me bullshit about paying road tax, hello every son of a bitch also pay loh. Can't believe he is such a dickhead, want to sue me go ahead la ah, I got ur house address, I'll fucking burn your house to the fucking ground and feed your children to the pigs. Wankers!

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