Sunday, February 17, 2008

I really respect Rafa Benitez. I admire his guts for having the courage to stay on in the Liverpool job. Ok, so he won the champions league in his first season, so what? He finished 20 over points below Chelsea that year, in fact Everton beat them for fourth spot that year. Last season, he won nothing and finished about 20 points below Manchester United. It seems to me that Liverpool play well in the Champions league only because they have nothing to fight for in the Premier League, therefore they can throw games and rest their players while Arsenal, Chelsea and Man Utd do not have such luxury as they have to fight for all three compeitions. Before the start of every season, my mate and I shit ourselves laughing when pundits confidently claim that "this will be Liverpool's season". To me, it has to be the joke of the century. Especially this year, when Fernado Torres came, the cocky scousers confidently boasted that this would be their year. Look where they are now. After last night's loss to Barnsley, I guess their ambition this year at best will be to vie for fourth spot again. I have not been to the circus since primary school because I only need to tune in to Liverpool games to watch a bunch of circus clowns. I hope Rafa Benitez stays on, because every year that he is still manager means they will never ever win the premier league. I look forward to more laughs and jokes from Liverpool.

To top it off, last night's trashing of Arsenal was sweet. Lehmann was shite, so was Gallas and Fabregas. It says alot when Darren Fletcher can score two goals in a game, he played his heart out and displayed a man of the match performance. He is a typical Scottish player, a player who rises up to the big occasion. Scottish players may not be the most skillful ones in the world, but when it comes to games of passion and fiery, there are nobody better than them. Well done son, stand up and be counted.

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