Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I had a short chat with my supervisor today, just to make sure that she has not forgotten about me. Basically my concern was to know who I would be understudying when I go to the events department next month. There is supposedly a son of a bitch who is in charge of events, who always ask people to help him, but when people need his help, he give thousand and one excuses. My colleagues have warned me that this SOB will save every sms and email in his computer so as to quote the person when things do go wrong. Can't believe that this kinda idiot can exist in Singapore. To think that he has Masters qualifications. Thankfully my supervisor told me to learn from another person, in fact she assured me that she will not attach me to the SOB.

Furthermore, I need not shift out and can continue to stay put in my current location. What a relief........ The events department are all filled with Ah Peks. They have no facial expressions, whenever I walk pass them and smile, they simply stare at me as though I escaped from Guantanamo Bay. At least I can still continue my office affair. Keke..... Not forgetting the lunch banter. Thank goodness.

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