Sunday, June 01, 2008

If I knew the opponents today were gonna be Ang Mos and Africans, I would have brought my shin pads I swear. Well naturally we got a physical game. In terms of physique we lost out to them, but we didn't make it easy for them. They had an African winger who according to the referee used to play for Sengkang Puggol team. He was fast and naturally burned me since he was playing at my side. In the second half I decided to stick close to him and bodycheck him before he could turn. In some sense I copied what Gabriel Heinze always do when he meets a pacy winger. I put my leg on the line at times and my shin is still bruised from the tackles.

I have to admit during the game, the Ang mos were very rough and physical but at least after the game they didn't take what happened to heart and displayed sportsmanship. As for the African, he was a Dorgba wannabe, forever whining when he got tackled or a decision went against him. I knew he was pissed at me because I elbowed him in the head when we challenged for a high ball. Another time I tried to clear the ball but he ran into me so I zham his shin instead. Yup but surprising while he was making alot of noise during the game, he didn't make an issue after the game.

Nevertheless, this match still makes me hate Africans even more. So much so for their physical build, they fall like feathers upon contact. Drogba is not setting a good example. Well I enjoyed the tough game today but oh man, my shin is still battered. Ok, need to search for my shin pads soon.

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