Monday, June 30, 2008

Recently I have been on an unhealthy diet. Almost every other day I am eating either hokien mee or bak chor mee. Although I know its pretty unhealthy, I can't seem to do without it. I seriously cannot remember the last time I went a week without the two dishes. Having said that, I need to go on a yong tao foo diet soon.

Now I don't know about what everyone thinks but somehow, I feel that the standard of Coffee Bean or Starbucks coffee is seriously dropping. I used to pamper myself with their coffee on weekends but nowadays, the coffee is either too diluted or simply not to my liking. Ok I am fussy when it comes to coffee. Likewise 3 in 1 coffee is not up to my standard. For the past two months, I have taken to buying my own coffee beans, adding my own condensed milk with the amount I desire. Initially my coffee was diluted, but now I dare say my coffee tastes as good as coffee shop kopi.

Batman is opening soon!! I can't wait to catch the movie. Batman is one of my childhood superhero. Why because of the dark suit and batmobile. Just a few more weeks to go.

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