Sunday, September 28, 2008

I thought it was a pity that Kimi Raikkonen crashed out with only 4 laps to spare. I didn't really enjoy seeing Fernando Alonso come in first. There is something about him, maybe because he looks like a Jew.

Anyway, suddenly overnight everyone is an F1 fan/expert. I have to admit, I only know abit. Thankfully my friend gave me a ten min crash course on what there is to know about F1 so at least I can act act pretend. Well for once, we can proudly say we are the first in the world to hold a night street race. I suppose not many people know this, but when I was serving my attachment period in the LTA, I was actually involved with the F1 project for a short stint. In fact, majority of my industrial attachment final report was about the F1 project. So in some ways, I guess I am probably the first ever University Student to do a formal report on the first ever formula one night street race. I suppose I made a little bit of history myself there. One for the record. Good job Parry!

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