Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fuck me, but just when I am to graduate next year, the economy has to be in sixes and seven.

I seriously think there is a conspiracy against my batch. Someone up there must be thinking, 'look lads, we're gonna fuck this '84 batch up and watch them suffer in their misery'. It has to be the '84 batch. We were the first batch required to sit for the 'what the fuck was that for' SAT test to enter university. Then two years later, they abolished the test, yeah splendid, thanks for sucking my money. Then I had to be in the first armour bronco battalion, which is another story for another day. Then we had to be the first NTU batch to undergo the GPA and SU system and now my faculty has to be the first batch to have individual integrated design assignments. Its amazing to think over 24 years, I've achieved many firsts. About the future, I think I am just living on thin fucking ice.

84 divide by 2 = 42. Must be a conspiracy.

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