Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just a short while ago, my neighbour was shouting outside his door. Somehow my neighbours locked him out and he was shouting at them presumably to let him in. It was all in Tamil so pardon me. He started to scream and bang the gate. Well at midnight doing that, that was pretty daft. Anyway the police just came and took him away. He even had the balls to tell the police not to interfere in him telling his wife off. Full marks to him. Maybe the next time I see him, assuming I do see him again, I should shake his hand.

I can't believe the Fang tribe chose to vote Jacquie off instead of Kelly. They are so gonna suck even more at the challenges. Crystal, GC and Kelly are the weakest players in survivor. They practically do not even participate at all! Totally zero effort. If I ever had such members in my group, I will kill them. Then again, I did encounter one in my tech comm project. I busted that guy's ass. My current project team has one slacker but since he is entertaining, I shall forgive him.

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