Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Personally I feel the US presidential contest is nothing more than an American Idol contest. I don't get what the fuss is up with everyone cheering the Obama win. Ya just because change is good, because he is black, because it is cool and hip to be voting for Obama. Ask the average African American on the street what economic policies Mr Obama is pushing for, I bet their bollocks they stand a better chance of guessing the correct NBA score. In my opinion, no matter who helms the post, that person is bound to fuck up at some point. Why? Because at the end of the day, no one likes the Yankees.

Anyway congrats to Mr Obama for being the 44th US President. What an auspicious number. Good luck to him. It has been forty years since Martin Luther King's assassination. Lets just hope that change is good and not just a dream.

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