Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Boy am I glad it is raining. Christmas should be cooling and chilly. If I had one wish,I would wished for Singapore to have snow so that I can build a snowman. It doesn't feel like Christmas without the snow. But for now, I guess I will make it up by playing Frank Sinatra Christmas songs.

I have been at home for the past two weeks. Technically speaking I should be in school doing my FYP but somehow my research senior is busy so I am kinda having a break. Everytime I receive an sms, I silently pray that the name is not Sabet. Did I mentioned he is an Iranian? Oh well initially I was afraid especially when he speaks on the phone in Persian or Arabic, I could only hope that he would not suddenly pull out his shirt to reveal any home-made bomb. But full marks to him, he has been a nice bloke so far.

I still think the best Christmas movie is Home alone.

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