Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Time to say goodbye

So here goes, my thoughts of 2008. Overall, I think it has been a smashing year by and large. What better way to start the year with the Edison Chen sex scandal. In the Chinese New year period somemore. Life got sweeter in May when I watched Ryan Giggs lift the Champions League trophy, hoisting it over his shoulders. It is a cup which brings special affection for me to savour.

Not forgetting the Olympics, Michael Phelps breaking and setting a new record, Usain Bolt and of course Singapore winning a silver medal. While watching the semi final match against Korea, I could really feel the gush of blood in my body when we cliched the match, never mind that the team was made up of imported Ah Tiongs. As much as China hosted a very good Olympics, they had to fuck up with the melamine incident, a new vocabulary word.

On the local front, the Mas Selemat nonsense was classic. To me, it is still a joke the way he escaped. Everywhere I went, coffeeshop, taxi driver and hair salons, every 'expert' had their own conspiracy theory.

Part of my world came crashing down when I read the news of the Lehmann Bros incident and I think I can speak for every student who like me is gonna graduate next year, what a bad timing. Hopefully, just hopefully, Mr Obama can pull us out of the shit Bush created.

As for myself, I was generally happier in the first half of the year, I was an intern, had no pressure at work, no need to study, spend alot of time finding out about myself. When school reopened in the second half, I became damn emo thanks to my final year project. Still am emo now. Fyp is still giving me a headache.

Next year will probably be a defining year for me, after spending 19 conformist years studying, it will be time for me to search for a job and start paying the bills in my home.

Inevitably, there were a few downs and sad moments for me in 2008, but not one which I will shed a tear for. I just remind myself that no matter what happens or happened, the sun still rises from the east tomorrow.

New year resolutions for 2009? It will be the same as every year, to be a better man. Granted, I am not perfect and have many flaws, but each year, I try to improve on my character. I am a man of simple pleasures to be honest, I dun need fancy cars or dine in fancy restaurants, that's why I live in Serangoon. Its about feeding the internal soul.

I guess this is it then, goodbye.

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