Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Every night I go to sleep, I think about what tomorrow brings. My main two worries, job and fyp. Once both are settled, I believe I can look forward to graduating and entering the labour workforce. I am or less mentally prepared to do any job even though it may be fucked up, so long as the pay is reasonable or if I am lucky high paying. If the job is enjoyable, it will be a bonus. But to be honest, I think most people will still find reasons to hate their job after a while. So whatever.

CNY is just a couple of days away, but this year, I do not really feel the joy and anticipation, prob due to the grim job prospects.

So Obama is finally sworn in. I really wished him good luck, for all the mess he has to clear up for Bush. Great hope comes with great expectations, for all that he has said, it is time to deliver and show results, after all, talk is cheap. But for the sake of tomorrow, lets hope.

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