Thursday, April 28, 2005


There are many questions left unanswered in this world which nobdy gives a damn. I feel that we are all brainwashed by the higher powers who control us by telling us humans lies these few centuries. There is no god or adam and eve. IT is all plain BULLSHIT and a scam to control us tru fear. It goes like oh gentleman if u people do not believe in god and the bible, u r all gonna die and burn in hell for eternity. And nitwits like us believe in these crap fearing the worst. "oh no i dun wanna go to hell'. Thus we decide not to take the risk. I mean think about it, where was ur god where u needed him. Did god lift a finger to help the tsunami victims. Answer nah he watched them slowly die by pressing the kill'em all button on his computer in heaven. Whenever i asked people 'hey y did god not help them' or 'y is god allowing such pain being inflicted on this person'. Their answer, It is to test their faith. Oh come on put urself in their shoes, would u like to be put to the test and die painfully. It is simple to say test of faith coz u r not the idiot being tortured. It is simple for religious people in developed countries to say that everything worth in their country is thanks to god showering blessings all them. But put urself in developing countries like Philippines, South Africa or Brazil, nations full of catholics, praying for donkey yrs for better prospects. In the end, their country is still poor. Conclusion, there is no god. We are the ones who control our destiny. Look at the united states, havingi played this game very well by controlling and manipulating other countries for their own benefit.

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