Sunday, May 15, 2005

Today was a great day. I played well in defence for our team today. I supplied the cross for the first goal. Seems like my rio ferdinand touches are back again. I started mt first driving lesson. I played with the clutch and found it quite smooth to master. However my confidence led me to speeding which my instructor chided me for. Haha. I dun feel like working tomorrow. Boss fucked me last fri for surfing the net too often and i dun wanna see his mopeng face again. I can't wait for next sat game to come. My confidence is sky high now and i really feel like we can beat any team now. On a lesser note, my mood was dampened at my grandma birthday party last night. While my cousins have began to start bringing over their boyfriends or girlfriends over, my aunties have been pestering me hey parry when it is gonna be ur turn. I replied that i wasn't ready yet for a relationship and that i have other commitments and it seems that the answer was way too shocking for them. And every conversation with them led to 'see thats y u muz pray to the lord' even things like look at the koi in the pond, it is so healthy looking, see parry god blesses it becoz we pray everyday. I know my aunties are not that savy enough to log into the internet so here's my chance 'FUCK GOD" =)

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