Wednesday, June 01, 2005

As the dayz go by, subconsiously, i realise that i am becoming a neat and tidy freak. I get irritated easily whenever my sister or dad messes up my table. I would have to re-arrange my stuff to the way i want it to be. It gets worst when at work, i even think 'hey when i left the house was my table tidy, did i pull my bedsheets' . I get pissed when my sister comes home and does not put her shoes in the shelve, throwing it around the house. It makes me feel wasted after vacuuming the floor. The more i think about myself, i am afraid that it will affect my mental being, like howard hughes. I think i need help. My Absolut a day keeps the doctor away doesn't seem to be working.

1 comment:

tong said...

only a sith deals in absoluts

lol so sorry i noe its damn lame, just had to say it